Identify the complements in the following sentences. Then, tell

whether each complement is a predicate nominative, a predicate
adjective, a direct object, or an indirect object. If a sentence does not
contain a complement, write no complement.
[1] My brother made Mom a birthday cake. [2] However, the project soon became a fiasco.
[3] First, Bill cracked three eggs into a bowl.
[4] Unfortunately, bits of the shells went in, too.
[5] Then he added the flour and other dry ingredients.
[6] The electric mixer whirled the batter right onto the ceiling.
[7] The batter was so sticky that it stayed there and didn’t fall off.
[8] Bill did not clean the ceiling immediately, and the sticky substance hardened overnight.
[9] Mom was not angry, but she did give Bill a suggestion for a gift.
[10] “A clean kitchen would be a great birthday present.”
I got really confuse on this. Please, explain and give the answer. :(

Study each of those terms here, and then give these a try. Someone here will check your work for you.

I'll do the first one, and then you work on the rest.

1. Mom=indirect object; cake=direct object

Thank but I get it now ^_^

To identify the complements in the given sentences and determine whether they are a predicate nominative, a predicate adjective, a direct object, or an indirect object, we need to analyze the structure and meaning of each sentence.

Let's dissect each sentence:

[1] My brother made Mom a birthday cake.
In this sentence, "Mom" is the direct object because it receives the action of the verb "made." There is no complement.

[2] However, the project soon became a fiasco.
In this sentence, "a fiasco" is the predicate nominative because it renames the subject "the project."

[3] First, Bill cracked three eggs into a bowl.
In this sentence, "three eggs" is the direct object because it receives the action of the verb "cracked." There is no complement.

[4] Unfortunately, bits of the shells went in, too.
In this sentence, there is no complement. The subject "bits of the shells" is the complete subject and does not require a complement.

[5] Then he added the flour and other dry ingredients.
In this sentence, "the flour and other dry ingredients" is the direct object because it receives the action of the verb "added." There is no complement.

[6] The electric mixer whirled the batter right onto the ceiling.
In this sentence, "the batter" is the direct object because it receives the action of the verb "whirled." There is no complement.

[7] The batter was so sticky that it stayed there and didn’t fall off.
In this sentence, "sticky" is the predicate adjective because it describes the subject "the batter."

[8] Bill did not clean the ceiling immediately, and the sticky substance hardened overnight.
In this sentence, "the sticky substance" is the direct object because it receives the action of the verb "hardened." There is no complement.

[9] Mom was not angry, but she did give Bill a suggestion for a gift.
In this sentence, "Bill" is the indirect object because it answers the question "to whom" or "for whom" in relation to the verb "give." However, there is no complement.

[10] "A clean kitchen would be a great birthday present."
In this sentence, there is no direct object or indirect object. "A great birthday present" is the predicate nominative because it renames the subject "A clean kitchen."

Summarizing the complements:
[1] No complement.
[2] Predicate nominative: "a fiasco"
[3] No complement.
[4] No complement.
[5] No complement.
[6] No complement.
[7] Predicate adjective: "sticky"
[8] No complement.
[9] Indirect object: "Bill"
[10] Predicate nominative: "a great birthday present"

I hope this clarifies the analysis of complements in the given sentences for you!

2. no complements