list four limitations of human rights

1. The right to private and family life is limited by the law regulating marriage under traditional customs, which recognise parental consent and age restriction on who is of marriageable age.

2. Right to is restricted by the law which forbids a citizen from or herself.
3.Right to fair hearing cannot be exercised beyond the highest court in the state. for instance, no citizen can sue a person or agencies beyond the supreme court of Nigeria.
4. Right to freedom of thought conscience and religion is restricted by laws preventing citizens from encroaching on the personal liberty tp other citizens.

Freedom of movement may be restricted in times of war,violence,riots or breach of public peace. the government is entitled to impose curfew from and to any particular period in order to save lives and properties and maintain peace

State five limition of human right

War: in a country when there is war human right will be limited in the scene that, there will no freedom of movement, speech e.t.c

Military rule/regime: in military rule there is no freedom everyone right is restricted and it has limit (it can also be similarized with WAR)

Someone here will be happy to comment on the four limitations you decide on, but no one here will do your thinking for you.


List six limitation of citizen right

Limitation of human right

list and explain five limitation of human right

The external limitation of human right