Given function f(x)=4x3-5, g(x)=2x and h(x)=x2. Find composition of h◦(g◦f)



=4(2^6 x^6)-5


= h(g(f(x) ) )
= h(g(4x^3 - 5) ) )
= h(2(4x^3 - 5))
= ( 2(4x^3 - 5) )^2

manipulate this if needed.

testing with some value, say x = 2

according to my result:
= 2916

long way:
f(2) = 27
g(27) = 54
h(54) = 2916

Oops, I didn't do what the question asked. Go with Reiny's solution!

To find the composition of functions h◦(g◦f), we need to first evaluate the innermost composition, which is g◦f. This means we substitute the function f(x) into g(x) and simplify. Then, we substitute the resulting function into h(x) and simplify further.

Let's start by finding the composition g◦f:
g(x) = 2x
f(x) = 4x^3 - 5

Substituting f(x) into g(x), we get:
g◦f(x) = g(f(x)) = 2(f(x)) = 2(4x^3 - 5)

Simplifying further:
g◦f(x) = 2(4x^3 - 5) = 8x^3 - 10

Now, let's find the composition h◦(g◦f):
h(x) = x^2

Substituting g◦f(x) into h(x), we get:
h◦(g◦f)(x) = h(g◦f(x)) = h(8x^3 - 10)

Simplifying further:
h◦(g◦f)(x) = (8x^3 - 10)^2 = (64x^6 - 160x^3 + 100)

Therefore, the composition h◦(g◦f) is equal to 64x^6 - 160x^3 + 100.