Need help solving the system of inequalities and equations graphically for this problem. Please help!


I don' see no steenking inequalities!

For the equations,

6y = 9(x-6)
3(2y+5x) = -6

6y = 9x-54
6y+15x = -6

so, since we have 6y in both equations, set them equal:

9x-54 = -6-15x
24x = 48
x = 2
now you can find y.

To solve the system of inequalities and equations graphically, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the equations in standard form.
The equations you provided are already in standard form.

Equation 1: 6y = 9(x - 6)
Equation 2: 3(2y + 5x) = -6

Step 2: Choose a suitable range.
Select a suitable range for the x and y-axis that encompasses the solution. In this case, let's choose a range from -10 to 10 for both x and y.

Step 3: Graph the equations.
To graph Equation 1, start by finding two points that satisfy it. You can choose any values for x and solve for y. For example, let x = 0:
6y = 9(0 - 6)
6y = 9(-6)
6y = -54
y = -9

So one point is (0, -9).

Let x = 10:
6y = 9(10 - 6)
6y = 9(4)
6y = 36
y = 6

So another point is (10, 6).

Plot these two points and draw a straight line passing through them. This represents Equation 1.

To graph Equation 2, start by rewriting it in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b):
6y + 15x = -6
y = -2.5x - 1

Now graph this equation by choosing values for x and solving for y. For example, let x = 0:
y = -2.5(0) - 1
y = -1

One point is (0, -1).

Let x = 10:
y = -2.5(10) - 1
y = -25 - 1
y = -26

Another point is (10, -26).

Plot these two points and draw a straight line passing through them. This represents Equation 2.

Step 4: Analyze the solution.
Analyze the graph to determine the region where the inequalities are satisfied.

For Equation 1:
Since the inequality symbol is not specified in this equation, we assume it is an equality. Therefore, the line represents all the points that satisfy this equation.

For Equation 2:
Since the inequality symbol is specified, we need to determine whether the region above or below the line satisfies the inequality. To do this, select a test point not on the line. For example, choose (0, 0):
3(2(0) + 5(0)) = -6
3(0) = -6
0 = -6

Since 0 is not less than -6 (which is the right-hand side of the equation), this point does not satisfy the inequality. Therefore, shade the region below the line.

The solution to the system of inequalities and equations is the region where both lines overlap or intersect on the graph.

In this case, it appears that the two lines do not intersect, which means there is no solution to the system.

This is how you solve the system of inequalities and equations graphically.