Flow chart of an if-then-else statement

Sam works at a coffee company where all the employees receive a bonus of R700, except the employees in the coffee department 3, who receive a bonus of R850. Enter his gross salary and his personal department number. Calculate the total income of Sam. Subtract 25% of the gross income for tax. Determine and display Sam’s net income on the screen

Sure, let's break down the problem and create a flowchart for the if-then-else statement.

1. Start
2. Input Sam's gross salary and personal department number
3. Calculate the bonus based on the personal department number:
- If department number is 3, set bonus = R850
- Otherwise, set bonus = R700
4. Calculate the total income by adding the gross salary and the bonus:
- Total Income = Gross Salary + Bonus
5. Calculate the tax amount by subtracting 25% of the Gross Salary:
- Tax Amount = 25% of Gross Salary
6. Calculate the net income by subtracting the Tax Amount from the Total Income:
- Net Income = Total Income - Tax Amount
7. Display Sam's net income on the screen
8. End

The flowchart for this if-then-else statement would look something like this:

| Start |
| Input Data |
| Calculate |
| Bonus |
| Calculate |
| Total Income |
| Calculate |
| Tax Amount |
| Calculate |
| Net Income |
| Display Net |
| Income |
| End |

Please note that this flowchart assumes you have the necessary logic to handle input and output operations.