Which of the following is not an example of a transition word or phrase?

A. Consequently
B. Or
C. Beyond
D. For instance

I need help with this answer. I thought is (c) but is not.

One is a conjunction. Do you see it?


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To determine which of the given options is not an example of a transition word or phrase, it is useful to understand what transition words or phrases are. These are words or phrases that connect ideas, sentences, or paragraphs, helping to establish relationships and improve the flow of a written or spoken piece.

Taking a look at the options:
A. Consequently - This is a transition word, indicating a cause-and-effect relationship between two ideas or events.
B. Or - This is a transition word, typically used to present an alternative or a choice between two options.
C. Beyond - This option does not qualify as a transition word or phrase. Instead, it is a preposition that means 'on the other side of' or 'further than.'
D. For instance - This is a transition phrase that signals the provision of an example or illustration.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer is option C, "Beyond," as it is not a transition word or phrase.