A clothing store offers a discount on all purchases. What is the discount in dollars (before tax)for an item originally costing $24.00 d0llars

How much is the discount?

A clothing store offers a 20% discount on all purchases. What is the discount in dollars(before tax)for an item originally costing $24.00 dollars?

1. $28.80
2. $43.20
3. $19.20
4. $4.80

0.2 * 24 = >

To determine the discount in dollars, you need to know the percentage of the discount being offered by the clothing store. Without this information, it is not possible to provide an exact answer.

Let's say that the clothing store offers a 20% discount on all purchases. In that case, you can calculate the discount as follows:

Discount = Original price x (Discount rate/100)
= $24.00 x (20/100)
= $24.00 x 0.20
= $4.80

So, with a 20% discount, the discount in dollars for an item originally costing $24.00 would be $4.80.

However, if you have the specific discount percentage being offered by the clothing store, you can substitute it into the formula to calculate the discount.