how many grams of KCIO3 can be dissolved it 50 g h20 at 50 degrees celcuis?

Note the correct spelling of celsius.

Few of us have the solubility tables of all of the known salts memorized; if you can give us the solubility at 50 C we can tell you. Probably you have a graph in your text/notes that should tell you this and it's a matter of reading it from a graph.

To determine how many grams of KCIO3 can be dissolved in 50 g of water at 50 degrees Celsius, we need to consult the solubility chart for KCIO3.

1. Research the solubility of KCIO3 in water at 50 degrees Celsius: Find a reliable source or reference book that provides solubility data for KCIO3. This information will give you the maximum amount of KCIO3 that can dissolve in water at the given temperature.

2. Consult the solubility chart: Look for the solubility of KCIO3 in water at 50 degrees Celsius in the solubility chart you found. The unit of measurement for solubility is typically given as grams of solute per 100 grams of solvent (in this case, water).

3. Calculate the amount of KCIO3 that can dissolve: Once you have the solubility value in grams per 100 grams of water, use this proportion to find the amount that can dissolve in 50 grams of water.

For example, if the solubility of KCIO3 is 40 grams per 100 grams of water, you can use the proportion:

(40 g / 100 g) = (x g / 50 g)

Solve for x, which represents the amount of KCIO3 that can dissolve in 50 grams of water.

4. Use the calculated value: The resulting value of x will be the maximum amount of KCIO3 that can dissolve in 50 grams of water at 50 degrees Celsius.

It is important to note that the solubility of a substance can be affected by other factors such as pressure and the presence of other solutes. Therefore, it is always advisable to refer to reliable sources for accurate solubility data.