Marie and Pierre Curie coined which term to describe the ability of certain elements to give off radiation spontaneously?

AM signals travel as changes in ____

Why does the wave of light bend toward the normal as it enters water?

The Curies discovered which two elements?

Light waves strike a lamp shade. Which property of light is demonstrated?

Certain seismic waves travel as ____


Apparently you didn't read this before you posted these questions.

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oh sorry well TOO BAD

I actually need help with number 1

a. fluorescence
b. rarefaction
c. radioactivity**
d. electromagnetic

Could you tell me if this is right?

Do you know what #3 is?

To answer these questions:

1. Marie and Pierre Curie coined the term "radioactivity" to describe the ability of certain elements to give off radiation spontaneously.

2. AM signals travel as changes in amplitude. Amplitude modulation (AM) refers to the method of encoding information in a radio wave by varying the amplitude or strength of the signal.

3. When a wave of light enters water, it bends toward the normal due to a phenomenon called refraction. Refraction occurs because light waves change speed when they pass from one medium (such as air) to another (such as water), causing the wave to change direction.

4. Marie and Pierre Curie discovered two elements: polonium and radium. They made this groundbreaking discovery while conducting their research on radioactivity.

5. When light waves strike a lamp shade, the property of light being demonstrated is reflection. Reflection occurs when light waves bounce off a surface, allowing us to see objects that do not emit their own light.

6. Certain seismic waves travel as compressional or primary waves (P-waves). P-waves are a type of seismic wave that causes material to compress and expand in the same direction as the wave travels. They are the fastest seismic waves and are the first to be recorded on seismographs during an earthquake.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.