Let u have a length of 20 and direction of 60 degrees, and v= 5i-3j

what is u?

what is abs(2v-u)?

let u = [a,b]

then a^2 + b^2 = 20 and tan60° = b/a = √3
b = √3 a
back in a^2 + b^2 = 20
a^2 + (√3a)^2 = 20
a^2 + 3a^2 = 20
a^2 = 5
a = ±√5
b = ±√15

u = [√5,√15] or [-√5,-√15] or in your notation
u = ±√5i ± √15

then 2v - u = (10-√5)i + (√15-3)j
abs(2v-u) = √(100 - 20√5 + 5 + 15 - 6√15 + 9)
= etc

repeat for the other value of u

solve the rest because i am not getting correct answer?

If you're not getting the correct answer, I suggest you post how you got your incorrect answer so that we will help you find what went wrong. This is the whole purpose of solving problems.

To find u given its length and direction, we can use trigonometry.

In this particular case, we know that the magnitude of u is 20, so its length is 20. The direction of u is given as 60 degrees.

Using trigonometry, we can express u in terms of its x and y components. Let's call the x-component of u as u_x and the y-component as u_y.

The magnitude of u can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem:

|u| = sqrt(u_x^2 + u_y^2)

Since |u| = 20, we have:

20 = sqrt(u_x^2 + u_y^2) (1)

The direction of u can be expressed using the tangent function:

tan(theta) = u_y / u_x

Where theta is the direction angle given as 60 degrees. We can rearrange the equation to solve for u_y:

u_y = u_x * tan(theta) (2)

Now, we can substitute equation (2) into equation (1) to solve for u_x:

20 = sqrt(u_x^2 + (u_x * tan(theta))^2)

Squaring both sides:

400 = u_x^2 + (u_x^2 * tan(theta))^2

Combining like terms:

400 = u_x^2 * (1 + tan(theta)^2)

Dividing both sides by (1 + tan(theta)^2):

u_x^2 = 400 / (1 + tan(theta)^2)

Taking the square root:

u_x = sqrt(400 / (1 + tan(theta)^2))

u_x = 20 / sqrt(1 + tan(theta)^2)

Note: Since theta is given as 60 degrees, we can substitute tan(theta) with the exact value sqrt(3).

u_x = 20 / sqrt(1 + (sqrt(3))^2)

u_x = 20 / sqrt(1 + 3)

u_x = 20 / sqrt(4)

u_x = 20 / 2

u_x = 10

Now that we found u_x, we can substitute it back into equation (2) to find u_y:

u_y = 10 * tan(theta)

u_y = 10 * sqrt(3)

Therefore, the vector u is u = 10i + 10sqrt(3)j.

Now let's move on to the second question.

To find |2v - u|, we need to calculate the vector 2v - u, then find its magnitude.

Given v = 5i - 3j and u = 10i + 10sqrt(3)j, we can calculate 2v - u:

2v - u = 2(5i - 3j) - (10i + 10sqrt(3)j)

2v - u = 10i - 6j - 10i - 10sqrt(3)j

2v - u = -6j - 10sqrt(3)j

Combining like terms:

2v - u = (-6 - 10sqrt(3))j

To find the magnitude of a vector, we use the equation:

|a| = sqrt(a_x^2 + a_y^2)

In this case, our vector is -6 - 10sqrt(3)j, so we can find its magnitude:

|2v - u| = sqrt((-6)^2 + (-10sqrt(3))^2)

|2v - u| = sqrt(36 + 300)

|2v - u| = sqrt(336)

Therefore, |2v - u| is equal to sqrt(336) or approximately 18.33.