1. Choose the letter of the one sentence in which quotations and underlining are correctly used.

A. I hope, commented Josh, that I do well enough to make it to the final race.
B. "I hope," commented Josh, "that I do well enough to make it to the final race."
C. "I hope," commented Josh, that I do well enough to make it, "to the final race."
D."I hope, commented Josh, "that, I do well enough to make it to the final race."

2. Which of the following is an example of process writing?

A. an advertisement for milk
B. the instruction manual for a TV
C. an essay arguing for tax cuts
D. an article about a talk show host

3. Before beginning the classification process, it's useful to ________.

A. determine the differences between your main ideas
B. outline things in a Venn diagram
C. sort things into categories
D. find a lot of information about many different topics

I think it is B, C, C

1 and 3 are correct.

2 is not.

Would 2 be A? Sorry, im really not sure to be honest.

What does "process" mean?


B. It's for sure.

You are correct! Let me provide you with an explanation for each question:

1. To determine the correct usage of quotations and underlining, we need to look for the sentence that follows the standard rules of punctuation. In this case, sentence B is the correct choice. The quoted dialogue is enclosed in double quotation marks, and each part of the dialogue is also individually enclosed in quotation marks.

2. Process writing refers to a type of writing that explains a series of steps or procedures. Among the given options, B is an example of process writing as an instruction manual typically provides step-by-step instructions for operating a device.

3. Before beginning the classification process, it's useful to establish an initial understanding of the subject matter. Outlining the main ideas in a Venn diagram (choice B) can help visualize the relationships between categories, but it does not directly address the question's prompt. Sorting things into categories (choice C) is the most relevant choice as it aligns with the process of classification by organizing items into distinct groups based on their shared characteristics.