if you BLANK someone's mail, then you seize it before the person receives it; however, it is illegal to take someone's mail, so the police might attempt to BLANK you and put you in jail.

What are the two blanks?

If you intercept someone's mail, then you seize it before the person receives it; however, it is illegal to take someone's mail, so the police might attempt to arrest you and put you in jail.

The two blanks are:

1. "intercept" - If you intercept someone's mail, you seize or obtain it before the intended recipient receives it. Intercepting mail is considered illegal in many jurisdictions.

2. "arrest" - Since intercepting someone's mail is illegal, the police might attempt to arrest you if they suspect you of committing this offense. Being arrested can lead to legal consequences, such as being taken to jail or facing charges in a court of law.



If you receive someone's mail, then you seize it before the person receives it; however, it is illegal to take someone's mail, so the police might attempt to arrest you and put you in jail.