Which of these actions did President Lincoln take at the beginning of the Civil War?

He declared martial law throughout the nation.

He imprisoned congressional representatives from the South.

He issued a declaration of war without the consent of Congress.

He used his emergency powers to suspend the writ of habeas corpus.

is it b

pls help me

How could he do that? The southern states seceded and the Congressmen went home, behind enemy lines.

The very fact of y giving you this link gives you the answer, but please read it so you understand the issue:


is it c or d

its d

Read the article, Oscar. You should understand what happened and why. It could happen again, in fact has in a way, and it's important. Yes it's D.

From the given options, the action that President Lincoln took at the beginning of the Civil War is:

- He used his emergency powers to suspend the writ of habeas corpus.

To arrive at this answer, let's go through each option one by one:

A) He declared martial law throughout the nation: This was not an action taken by President Lincoln at the beginning of the Civil War. While martial law was implemented in some areas during the conflict, it was not a nationwide declaration made by Lincoln.

B) He imprisoned congressional representatives from the South: This option is not accurate. President Lincoln did not imprison congressional representatives from the South at the beginning of the Civil War.

C) He issued a declaration of war without the consent of Congress: This option is also incorrect. Congress has the authority to declare war, and President Lincoln did not unilaterally issue a declaration of war without congressional approval.

D) He used his emergency powers to suspend the writ of habeas corpus: This option is the correct answer. President Lincoln did indeed suspend the writ of habeas corpus, which is a legal protection against unlawful detention, during the early days of the Civil War. He argued that it was necessary to maintain order and deal with potential traitors within the Union.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) He used his emergency powers to suspend the writ of habeas corpus.

No. It's not b.