19. The price for predictability is often

A. long hours.
B. long-term boredom.
C. stress and insecurity.
D. increased self-confidence.

I think D or a

Price indicates something somewhat unpleasant. I'm predictable, but I don't require long hours.

Oh ok I'm get it now

The price for predictability is often

A. long-term boredom.
B. stress and insecurity.
C. long hours.
D. increased self-confidence.
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect answer is b. long term boredom

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options:

A. long hours: This implies that predictability requires working for extended periods. While it might be true in some cases, it is not the general consequence of predictability.

B. long-term boredom: This option suggests that predictability leads to a monotonous and uninteresting life. Again, while there might be situations where predictability can become tedious, it is not a universal outcome.

C. stress and insecurity: This choice implies that maintaining predictability can result in feelings of tension and uncertainty. This is a more likely consequence, as predictability can bring a sense of complacency and fear about potential disruptions.

D. increased self-confidence: This option suggests that predictability contributes to enhanced self-assurance. While predictability can offer a stable and controlled environment that can boost confidence, it is not necessarily the main result.

Analyzing the three incorrect options, A, B, and D, we can conclude that C, stress and insecurity, is the most fitting answer considering the typical trade-offs associated with predictability.

Therefore, the correct answer is C, stress and insecurity.