Refer to the table given for the ionic radii in your lab manual and approximate the attractive portion of the lattice energy for 1 mole of the following salts. (Consider only one bond if more than one bond exists.)

(a) SrO

To approximate the attractive portion of the lattice energy for 1 mole of SrO, we need to consider the ionic radii of Sr and O.

Unfortunately, without the specific table of ionic radii mentioned in your lab manual, I am unable to provide you with the exact values required for the calculation. However, I can guide you through the process of estimating the lattice energy.

The lattice energy is determined by the attractive forces between oppositely charged ions in a crystal lattice. It is largely affected by the charge and radius of the ions involved.

To approximate the lattice energy, follow these steps:

1. Find the ionic radii of Sr (Sr2+) and O (O2-) in your lab manual table or a reliable source.

2. Determine the coordination number for each ion in the crystal lattice. In this case, the Sr2+ ion usually has a coordination number of 8, while the O2- ion has a coordination number of 6.

3. Calculate the effective radii of Sr2+ and O2-. This is done by summing the ionic radius and the coordination number times a correction factor. The correction factor takes into account the distortion of the crystal lattice due to the charges of the ions.

4. Use the calculated effective radii to estimate the distance between the ions and convert it to meters.

5. Calculate the Coulombic attraction (F) between the ions using Coulomb's law:

F = k * (q1 * q2) / r

- k is the Coulomb's constant,
- q1 and q2 are the charges of the ions,
- and r is the estimated distance between the ions.

6. Multiply the calculated Coulombic attraction by Avogadro's number to obtain the attractive portion of the lattice energy for 1 mole of SrO.

Please note that the exact values of the ionic radii and other parameters are crucial for an accurate estimation of the lattice energy. Make sure to refer to the specific table in your lab manual or a reliable source to perform the calculations.

To approximate the attractive portion of the lattice energy for 1 mole of SrO, we need to use the ionic radii of Sr and O.

1. Look up the ionic radii of Sr and O in your lab manual or any reliable source.

2. Once you have the ionic radii, calculate the sum of their ionic radii. This will give you an estimate of the distance between the Sr and O ions in the lattice.

3. Use the formula for lattice energy:
Lattice energy = (k * Q1 * Q2) / r
where k is the proportionality constant, Q1 and Q2 are the charges of the ions, and r is the distance between the ions.

4. Since Sr has a 2+ charge and O has a 2- charge, the charges (Q1 and Q2) in the formula are 2 and -2, respectively.

5. Substitute the values into the formula:
Lattice energy = (k * 2 * -2) / r

6. Finally, plug in the calculated distance between the Sr and O ions (r) from step 2 into the formula to find the approximate value of the attractive portion of the lattice energy for 1 mole of SrO.
