In “A Rose for Emily,” what type of conflict is shown by Homer Barron's not being “a marrying man”?

A. internal conflict in Miss Emily's mind
B. external conflict between Homer and Miss Emily
C. ambiguity about what Homer may have felt
D. resolution to the problem their marriage might pose

A OR B ?

Please let us know why you think it might be A.

Then please let us know why you think it might be B.

To determine the answer, you will need to analyze the information given in the story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. In this case, the conflict being discussed is Homer Barron's reluctance to marry.

Option A suggests that the conflict is internal, taking place in Miss Emily's mind. This would mean that her desire to marry Homer Barron conflicts with her own thoughts and emotions. Consider whether the story provides evidence of Miss Emily's internal struggle regarding her desire for marriage.

Option B suggests that the conflict is external, specifically between Homer and Miss Emily. This would mean that Homer's unwillingness to marry becomes a source of conflict between the two characters. Consider whether there are instances of disagreement, tension, or negotiation between Homer and Miss Emily related to the concept of marriage.

After reviewing the story, you can select the most appropriate answer based on the evidence and examples you find.