A CD player which regularly costs $239 is marked 1/3 off. About how much is the sale price of the CD player

(2/3) * 239 = ?



To calculate the sale price of the CD player, you'll need to find the amount of the discount, subtract it from the original price, and then round to the nearest dollar.

First, calculate the amount of the discount by multiplying the original price by the discount rate, which is 1/3 or 33.33% in decimal form:

Discount = Original Price × Discount Rate
Discount = $239 × 1/3
Discount ≈ $79.67

Next, subtract the discount from the original price to find the sale price:

Sale Price = Original Price - Discount
Sale Price = $239 - $79.67
Sale Price ≈ $159.33

Finally, round the sale price to the nearest dollar:

Rounded Sale Price ≈ $159

Therefore, the sale price of the CD player is approximately $159.