Every month Jen spent 1/4 of her salary and saved 2/5 of the remainder. After 6 months, Jen saved $4320. How much did she earn each month?

you have to give us an answer and we will tell you right or wrong and help you out then.

x(1 - 1/4)(2/5)*6 = 4320

x = 2400

Thank you Steve

To find out how much Jen earned each month, we need to work backwards from the given information.

Let's assume that Jen's salary is "S" dollars per month.
According to the information given, Jen spent 1/4 of her salary each month and saved 2/5 of the remainder.

In the first month, she spent 1/4 of her salary, which is (1/4)S.
Thus, the amount remaining from her salary is (1 - 1/4)S = (3/4)S.

Out of the remainder, she saved 2/5, which is (2/5) * (3/4)S = (3/10)S.

We are also given that after 6 months, Jen saved $4320.
Since she saved (3/10)S each month, in 6 months, she saved (3/10)S * 6 = (18/10)S = (9/5)S.

Now, we can set up an equation to solve for S:
(9/5)S = $4320.

To get rid of the fraction, we will multiply both sides of the equation by 5/9:
S = ($4320) * (5/9) = $2400.

Therefore, Jen earned $2400 each month.