2. 2x^2+8-4x+3x-6x^2+7

a. -8x^2-7x+15
b. -4x^2-x+15
c. 4x^2+x+15
d. 8x^2+7x+15

3. 4x^2+8x-11x+6-5x^2+2
a. -x^2-3x+8
b. -x^2+3x+8
c. x^2-3x+8
d. x^2+3x+8

can u please help me out with these questions steve or damon or ms sue. pls help me

pls help me

psydag could you help me

2.Add all like-terms:

2x^2-6x^2 = -4x^2
-4x+3x = -x
8 + 7 = 15
Results: -4x^2 - x + 15

3. Add all like-terms:

To simplify the given expressions, we need to combine like terms. Like terms are terms with the same variable raised to the same power.

Let's solve each expression step by step:

2x^2 + 8 - 4x + 3x - 6x^2 + 7

First, let's combine the like terms:
(2x^2 - 6x^2) + (-4x + 3x) + (8 + 7)

Simplifying further:
-4x^2 - x + 15

So the answer to the first expression is option b: -4x^2 - x + 15.

Now let's move on to the second expression:

4x^2 + 8x - 11x + 6 - 5x^2 + 2

First, let's combine the like terms:
(4x^2 - 5x^2) + (8x - 11x) + (6 + 2)

Simplifying further:
-x^2 - 3x + 8

So the answer to the second expression is option a: -x^2 - 3x + 8.

I hope this helps!