A tire leaves a track of fresh snow. The area of the track is 250 square feet. How many turns does the tire make?

if the tire has width w and diameter d, then

w*πd = 250 ft^2
wd = 250/π ft^2

so, pick any width and diameter (both in feet) that multiply to 250/π

actually, that's not quite right.

If the circumference is c, and the tire width is w (both in feet), the area of track made by one turn is cw.

So, the tire makes 250/cw turns.

Pick your own c and w.

To determine the number of turns the tire makes, we would need some additional information. The area of the track alone does not provide enough data to calculate the number of turns.

To find the number of turns, we need to know the length of the tire's path or the circumference of the tire. Once we have this information, we can compare the length of the tire's path to the circumference of the tire.

If you can provide the tire's path length or the circumference of the tire, I would be happy to help you calculate the number of turns.