What is the theme, tone, characters and authors intentions for the poem named Your Little Voice by E.E. Cummings

To determine the theme, tone, characters, and author's intentions in a poem like "Your Little Voice" by E.E. Cummings, we need to closely analyze the text. Here's how you can do it:

1. First, read the poem several times to gain a deeper understanding of its content and structure. Pay attention to the language, imagery, and poetic devices used.

2. Identify the theme: The theme is the underlying message or central idea of the poem. In "Your Little Voice," the theme could be the significance of love and connection. Look for recurring motifs or symbols that reinforce this theme.

3. Analyze the tone: The tone refers to the author's attitude or feeling conveyed through the poem. Consider the emotional tone, such as whether it is joyful, melancholic, or nostalgic. Look for specific words or phrases that evoke a particular mood.

4. Explore the characters: In poetry, characters might refer to individuals or even abstract entities. Determine who or what is being portrayed in the poem, and how they contribute to the overall message. Be attentive to pronouns, metaphors, or descriptions that suggest characters.

5. Understand the author's intentions: Try to decipher the poet's purpose or intention behind writing the poem. Authors often use poetry as a means to express their thoughts, emotions, or beliefs. Consider the historical or social context in which the poem was written, as this might provide insights into the poet's motivations.

By following these steps and close textual analysis, you can unravel the theme, tone, characters, and author's intentions in "Your Little Voice" by E.E. Cummings.

Have you read the poem? If so, what do YOU think?