How was President Roosevelt’s proposal?

Which proposal?

It doesn't tell me "which proposal"

It just says this on top the question
“The need for collecting large campaign funds would vanish [go away] if Congress provided an appropriation [federal money] for the proper . . . expenses of each of the great national parties, an appropriation ample [large] enough to meet the necessity [the needs of the political parties]. . . . Then [the parties should agree that] no party receiving campaign funds from the [federal] Treasury should accept more than a fixed amount from any individual . . . and  [detailed information about the money taken in and spent] could without difficulty be provided.”
—President Theodore Roosevelt, Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1907

That IS the proposal! How was it WHAT? Your question is incomplete.

To determine how President Roosevelt's proposal was, we need to first specify which proposal you are referring to, as President Roosevelt made numerous proposals during his time in office. However, I will explain how you can find information on President Roosevelt's proposals in general:

1. Specify the time frame: President Roosevelt served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 to 1945. Narrowing down the time frame of the proposal you are interested in will help focus your search.

2. Identify the type of proposal: Roosevelt made proposals on various subjects, including economic reforms, social programs, and foreign policy. Having a clear understanding of the proposal's subject matter will narrow down your search.

3. Consult credible sources: Look for reputable resources such as history books, academic journals, governmental archives, and reliable news outlets. These sources often provide detailed information about President Roosevelt's proposals, including their context, reception, and impact.

4. Evaluate different perspectives: Take into account various perspectives and interpretations of Roosevelt's proposals. Historical analysis may differ depending on the viewpoint, so considering multiple sources will provide a more comprehensive understanding.

By following these steps, you can gather information about President Roosevelt's proposals and evaluate their significance in history.