Q. The rondo stared 7 minutes late. It was scheduled to last 3 hours. But it ran 22 minutes longer. If the rodeo ended at 9:59 p.m, at what time did it begin?

A. So, do I mulpite 7 by 3 = 21, than muplite that answer by 22. than divide that by 9:59 p.m?

Well you can do something like this.

subtract 3 hours. which is 6:59
then you do the math with 22 min and 7 min. let me think about that hold on.

Since it started 7 min. late you can add 7 minutes to 6:59 which is 7:06.

then I'm not sure what to do with the 22 min.

Sorry this is the right way.. not the way I said it above.

I got it!!

9:59 - 22 (since it ran 22 min longer)
you get 9:37
now subtract 3 hours. you get 6:37
since it started 7 min late add 7 to 6:37, which equals 6:44
Then subtract 7 by 22
22- 7= 15. I did this because it started 7 min. late and ended 22 min longer. So you would want to subtract. i don't really know how to explain why I subtracted 7 and 22.. but It makes sense in my head..sorry.
since 22-7=15 add 15 to 6:44
6:44 + 15= 6:59.. now add those 3 hours and you get 9:59

Thank you!

To determine the start time of the rodeo, we need to follow a step-by-step process.

1. Convert the 3 hours to minutes: Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, multiplying 3 by 60 will give us 180 minutes.
2. Add the extra 22 minutes that the rodeo ran over its scheduled time: 180 + 22 = 202 minutes.
3. Subtract the total duration of the rodeo (in minutes) from the end time to find the start time: 9:59 p.m - 202 minutes.

To convert the end time from 12-hour clock to 24-hour clock format, we can add 12 to the hour if it is in the pm period. In this case, since 9:59 p.m is in the pm period, we can add 12 to the hour:

9 + 12 = 21

Now we have the end time in 24-hour clock format, which is 21:59.

To subtract the duration from the end time, we can treat the hours and minutes separately:

- Subtract the minutes first: 59 - 202 minutes (which is negative) = -143.
- Subtract the hours: 21 - 3 (hours) = 18.

Therefore, the start time of the rodeo was 18:143, which means 18 hours and 143 minutes. However, since minutes go up to 59, we can convert the extra minutes to hours by dividing by 60:

143 minutes / 60 = 2 hours and 23 minutes.

Adding these extra hours and minutes to the start time:

18 (start hour) + 2 (extra hours) = 20,
0 (start minute) + 23 (extra minutes) = 23.

Therefore, the start time of the rodeo was 20:23 (in 24-hour clock format).

In conclusion, the rodeo began at 20:23 (8:23 p.m.).