A motorboat went 20 miles on 5/8 gallon of fuel. How far can the motorboat go on a gallon of fuel?

20/(5/8) = x/1


To find out how far the motorboat can go on a gallon of fuel, we can use the given information that the boat went 20 miles on 5/8 gallon of fuel.

To calculate the distance the boat can travel on one gallon of fuel, we can set up a ratio.

20 miles on 5/8 gallon of fuel

We can set up the ratio:
20 miles / (5/8) gallon

To simplify this ratio, we need to multiply the numerator (20 miles) and the denominator (5/8) by the reciprocal of the denominator (8/5) to get rid of the fraction.

So the simplified ratio is:
20 miles * (8/5) gallon

Now, we can calculate this expression to find how far the motorboat can go on one gallon of fuel:

20 * 8 / 5 = 160 / 5 = 32 miles

Therefore, the motorboat can travel 32 miles on one gallon of fuel.