With which of these statements would Hippocrates agree? (Points : 1) all the above

Doctors have a duty to care for others’ children as if they were their own.
A doctor has a duty to teach people the art of medicine if they are interested.
A doctor ought not give women potions that cause abortion.
A and B
All of the above

all of the above

I agree again.

All of the above

what is the best way to define the word autonomy when it comes to ethical decision making

In order to determine with which statement Hippocrates would agree, we need to understand his beliefs and principles. Hippocrates was a Greek physician who is often referred to as the "Father of Medicine." He lived during the 5th century BC and was known for his ethical codes and teachings.

If we analyze the statements given, we can evaluate Hippocrates' probable views on them:

1) "Doctors have a duty to care for others’ children as if they were their own."
This statement aligns with the Hippocratic principle of beneficence, which emphasizes the doctor's obligation to act in the best interest of the patient. Based on this, Hippocrates would likely agree with this statement.

2) "A doctor has a duty to teach people the art of medicine if they are interested."
Hippocrates believed in the importance of sharing knowledge and educating others. This statement reflects his view on the responsibility of doctors to pass on their medical expertise. Therefore, he would likely agree with this statement as well.

3) "A doctor ought not give women potions that cause abortion."
While the Hippocratic Oath does not specifically address the topic of abortion, Hippocrates emphasized the duty of doctors to maintain ethical practices. It is widely believed that he opposed the use of abortifacient potions, as abortion was generally regarded as unethical in Ancient Greece.

Considering the analysis above, we can conclude that Hippocrates would likely agree with statements 1 and 2, but he may not necessarily agree with statement 3. Therefore, option 'A and B' would be the most accurate choice.