What is the difference between little p Progressivism and rogressivism?



(usually the first definition here)

I already had tried that they do not provide what I'm looking for

Baloney! You need to work on your reading comprehension, apparently.

progressive = "Happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step"

"Progressivism in the United States is a broadly based reform movement that reached its height early in the 20th century and is generally considered to be middle class and reformist in nature. It arose as a response to the vast changes brought by modernization, such as the growth of large corporations and railroads, and fears of corruption in American politics. In the 21st century, progressives continue to embrace concepts such as environmentalism and social justice.[1] Social progressivism, the view that governmental practices ought to be adjusted as society evolves, forms the ideological basis for many American progressives."
(from the search results I gave you above)

The terms "little p progressivism" and "rogressivism" are typically used to differentiate between two different levels or types of progressivism.

"Little p progressivism" refers to a general ideology or philosophy that advocates for progress, reform, and positive change. It can be applied to various aspects of society, such as politics, social issues, and technology. Little p progressivism is not tied to any specific political party or organization and can be embraced by individuals with different political affiliations.

On the other hand, "rogressivism" specifically refers to a political movement within the United States that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. rogressivism was associated with the Progressive Era and was primarily a response to the social, economic, and political challenges brought about by industrialization and urbanization. It sought to address issues like political corruption, economic inequality, social injustice, and labor exploitation. The rogressives advocated for government intervention, regulatory reforms, and social welfare programs.

To get a deeper understanding of the difference between little p progressivism and rogressivism, you can explore the historical context and origins of the terms. Reading books, articles, or scholarly papers on the Progressive Era, its key figures, and their ideas can provide valuable insights into the development and impact of these political philosophies. Additionally, consulting academic sources, conducting research, and engaging in discussions with experts in the field of political science can help elucidate the differences between these two concepts.