For a paragraph about the Midwest can culture, language, manners go into one paragraph?

Yes. To make general comments, you can.

It for a compare and constrat essay

How long is the essay to be? For an introduction to the Midwest, you can say something like: "The Midwest is unique among the regions of the United States. It's language.... (etc.) But then you might need a separate paragraph to go into detail, or to compare and contrast, each of the subtopics you list in your question.

I all ready have introduce for my paper. so what I wrote above works for my paper.

Yes, culture, language, and manners can be discussed in one paragraph while highlighting key aspects of the Midwest. Here's an example paragraph:

"The Midwest is known for its rich and distinct culture, language, and manners. In terms of culture, the Midwest is celebrated for its strong sense of community and down-to-earth values. Regional traditions, such as barn raising and county fairs, showcase the Midwestern work ethic and camaraderie. The language spoken in this region largely reflects the region's historical roots in European immigration, with English being the most widely spoken language. However, certain areas have preserved their unique linguistic influences, such as German in some communities or Scandinavian in others. When it comes to manners, Midwesterners are often recognized for their friendliness and hospitality. They are renowned for their polite and humble demeanor, often displaying acts of kindness and generosity towards others. These aspects of Midwest culture, language, and manners contribute to the region's warm and welcoming atmosphere."

To write a paragraph like this, you can gather information about the Midwest's culture, language, and manners by researching reliable sources such as books, articles, or websites that focus on the topic. Look for specific examples, anecdotes, or characteristics that represent the Midwest to include in your paragraph.