Which of the following planets is considered a rocky, or terristrial, planet?

A. Venus
B. Neptune
C. Saturn
D. Uranus
Is the answer A?
Thank you



Yes, Venus

Anonymous is correct. I got a 100%

thanks anonymous 100%

Correct Anyomous

But I only have 4 questions, why are there 5 answers?

why is there five?

thanks guys

i got 100%

Yes, the answer is A. Venus. Venus is considered a rocky, or terrestrial, planet.

To arrive at the answer, we need to know the characteristics of the different planets. Rocky or terrestrial planets are made up mostly of rock and metal, with a solid surface. On the other hand, gas or giant planets are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, with no solid surface.

By eliminating the options, we can determine that Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus are not considered rocky planets. These three are gas giants. Venus, on the other hand, is a rocky planet similar to Earth. It has a solid surface, and its composition is mostly rock and metal. Therefore, the correct answer is A. Venus.