15. Lisa takes a loan of $10,500 at a 9% simple interest rate for 7 years.

a. How much interest will she pay after 3 years?
b. How much interest will she pay in total for the loan?

$2,835.00; $6,615.00
$8,280.00; $9,720.00*
$13,598.00; $19,194.00
$28,350.00; $66,150.00
16. Angela invests $2,550 at 3% interest compounded annually. What will be the balance in the account
after 1.5 years?

Is it a for the first one.

Thank You

What is the answer

To calculate the interest and total repayment in case of a simple interest loan, you need to use the following formula:

Interest = (Principal * Rate * Time) / 100

Total repayment = Principal + Interest

For question 15:
a. To calculate the interest after 3 years, you need to plug in the values into the formula: Interest = (Principal * Rate * Time) / 100

Interest = (10,500 * 9 * 3) / 100
Interest = $2,835.00

The correct answer is $2,835.00.

b. To calculate the total interest for the loan, you can apply the same formula for the total period of 7 years.

Interest = (10,500 * 9 * 7) / 100
Interest = $6,615.00

The correct answer is $6,615.00.

For question 16:
To calculate the balance in the account after 1.5 years with compounded interest, you can use the following formula:

Balance = Principal * (1 + Rate/100) ^ Time

Balance = 2,550 * (1 + 3/100)^(1.5)
Balance = $2,664.75

The correct answer is $2,664.75.

Yes, a is right for the first one.

Your first answer is wrong. The second is right.

these anwers are horrible they are all wrong.