p^2x - 2q^y - 2 pqx + pqy

Do you mean

(p^2)(x) or p^(2x)
2q^y or 2q^2 y

The mixture of exponents and multiplication seems unlikely. I will assume you meant

p^2 x - 2q^2 y - 2 pqx + pqy
= (p-2q)px + (p-2q)qy
= (p-2q)(px+py)

I ment

(p^2)(x) - (2q^2)(y) -(2pqx) + (pqy)

I ment

(p^2)(x) - (2q^2)(y) -(2pqx) + (pqy)

The expression you provided, p^2x - 2q^y - 2pqx + pqy, appears to be a polynomial expression involving variables p, q, x, and y.

To simplify the expression, we can combine like terms. Like terms are terms that have the same variables raised to the same powers.

The given expression can be rearranged as follows:
p^2x - 2pqx - 2q^y + pqy

Let's group the like terms together:
(p^2x - 2pqx) + (- 2q^y + pqy)

Now, let's factor out the common terms from each group:
(p^2 - 2pq)x + (-2q + pq)y

Finally, we can simplify the expression further:
(p^2 - 2pq)x + (pq - 2q)y

So, the simplified form of the expression p^2x - 2q^y - 2pqx + pqy is (p^2 - 2pq)x + (pq - 2q)y.