of 50 students surveyed, 22 have a skateboard, and 18 have roller shoes. of those, 6 students have both. how many students have neither a skateboard nor roller shoes? i don't know how to solve this one

is is not 4 students btw.

please help me


The easiest way is to make a Venn diagram (which you probably know how to do).

Draw a box containing 50 students.
Draw a circle containing 22 skateboards
Draw another circle, overlapping the first, with 18 roller shoes.
The overlap represents 6 students with both.
So the number of those who have ONLY skateboards is 22-6=16
Number of students with ONLY roller shoes is 18-6=12.
Add those up (ONLY skateboards, ONLY roller-shoes, and BOTH) and subtract from 50 would give the number of students with neither.

To solve this problem, you can use a basic set theory method called the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle.

Step 1: Find the total number of students who have either a skateboard or roller shoes.

To find the total number of students who have either a skateboard or roller shoes, you need to add the number of students with skateboards and the number of students with roller shoes but exclude the number of students with both.

Number of students with skateboards: 22
Number of students with roller shoes: 18
Number of students with both skateboards and roller shoes: 6

Total number of students with either a skateboard or roller shoes = Number of students with skateboards + Number of students with roller shoes - Number of students with both
= 22 + 18 - 6
= 34

Step 2: Find the total number of students who have neither a skateboard nor roller shoes.

To find the total number of students who have neither a skateboard nor roller shoes, you subtract the number of students with either a skateboard or roller shoes from the total number of students.

Total number of students = 50

Number of students with either a skateboard or roller shoes = 34

Number of students with neither = Total number of students - Number of students with either a skateboard or roller shoes
= 50 - 34
= 16

Therefore, 16 students have neither a skateboard nor roller shoes.