_______ may likely lead to aggressive behavior.


Beside anger, frustration might also be a factor in causing the anger.

The Answer Is Irritability

There are several factors that may potentially lead to aggressive behavior in individuals. However, one important contributor is the experience of frustration. When people face obstacles or are unable to achieve their goals, they can become frustrated. This frustration, if not appropriately managed, can manifest as aggression.

To explain how frustration leads to aggression, we can look at the frustration-aggression theory. According to this theory, when individuals are frustrated, it triggers a readiness for aggression. The aggression can be directed towards the source of frustration or towards a substitute target if the original one is inaccessible or not desirable to attack.

It is important to note that frustration alone does not guarantee that someone will become aggressive. The likelihood of aggression also depends on several other factors, such as individual differences (e.g., temperament, personality traits), environmental factors (e.g., presence of provoking situations or cues), and social learning (e.g., observing others engaging in aggressive behavior).

Understanding these factors can help individuals and society at large develop strategies to prevent or manage aggression. Effective anger management techniques, promoting empathy and perspective-taking, and creating environments that reduce frustration levels can all contribute to reducing the likelihood of aggressive behavior.