A plastic rod is rubbed against a wool shirt,

thereby acquiring a charge of −4.9 µC.
How many electrons are transferred from
the wool shirt to the plastic rod? The elemental
charge is 1.6 × 10−19 C.



Well, let me first say that transferring electrons is like playing a game of "pass the micro-chips". Now, since we know that the charge acquired is -4.9 µC, and each electron has a charge of 1.6 × 10−19 C, we can simply divide the total charge by the charge of each electron to find out how many electrons were transferred.

So, -4.9 µC divided by 1.6 × 10−19 C would give us the number of electrons transferred. Just to clarify, µC stands for "micro-Coulombs", which is like the metric system for electric charges.

But since it's a serious calculation, I'll give you the answer without my clownish input. The number of electrons transferred would be approximately 3.1 × 10^13 electrons. So, that's quite a few tiny critters buzzing around, isn't it?

To determine the number of electrons transferred from the wool shirt to the plastic rod, we need to convert both the charge acquired by the rod and the elemental charge into the same units.

Charge acquired by the rod = -4.9 µC
Elemental charge = 1.6 × 10^(-19) C

First, let's convert the charge acquired by the rod from microcoulombs (µC) to coulombs (C):

-4.9 µC = -4.9 × 10^(-6) C

Now we can determine the number of electrons transferred by dividing the charge acquired by the rod by the elemental charge:

Number of electrons transferred = (Charge acquired by the rod) / (Elemental charge)
= (-4.9 × 10^(-6) C) / (1.6 × 10^(-19) C)

When we divide these values, we can cancel out the units "C" and calculate the result:

Number of electrons transferred = -4.9 × 10^(-6) / 1.6 × 10^(-19)
≈ 3.06 × 10^(13)

Therefore, approximately 3.06 × 10^(13) electrons are transferred from the wool shirt to the plastic rod.

-19+6 = -13

1.6 * 10^-13 uC /electron
(1/1.6)*10^13 electrons/uC
= .625 * 10^13
= 6.25 * 10^12 electrons

A plastic rod is rubbed against a wool shirt, thereby acquiring a charge of -1 µC.Thus there will transfer of electron take place. So problem is to find how many electrons will transfer from the wool shirt to the plastic rod?

Since we know 1C charge acquired when 1.6x10^19 electrons transferred.


1C=10^6 mu C

10^6 mu C acquired when 1.6x10^19 electrons transferred.

1 mu C acquired when (1.6x10^19)/10^6 electrons transferred which equal to

Thus in acquiring -1 mu C charge there will 1.6x10^13 electrons will transfer from wool shirt to plastic rod.