tom is scheduling his classes for next quarter. he wants to take three classes, and has the following options: spanish at 9, 10, or 11; music at 9 or 11; math at 10 or 12. list possible schedules he would choose

To determine the possible schedules that Tom can choose, we need to consider the available options for each class and identify the combinations that meet the criteria of taking three classes.

Let's break it down:

1. Spanish options: 9 AM, 10 AM, or 11 AM.
2. Music options: 9 AM or 11 AM.
3. Math options: 10 AM or 12 PM.

First, let's consider taking the 9 AM Spanish class:

- If Tom takes the 9 AM Spanish class, he can then choose between the 9 AM Music class and either the 10 AM or 12 PM Math class. This gives us the following possibilities:
1. Spanish: 9 AM, Music: 9 AM, Math: 10 AM
2. Spanish: 9 AM, Music: 9 AM, Math: 12 PM

Next, let's consider taking the 10 AM Spanish class:

- If Tom takes the 10 AM Spanish class, he can then choose between the 9 AM or 11 AM Music class and the 12 PM Math class. This gives us the following possibility:
3. Spanish: 10 AM, Music: 9 AM, Math: 12 PM

Finally, let's consider taking the 11 AM Spanish class:

- If Tom takes the 11 AM Spanish class, he can then choose between the 9 AM Music class and either the 10 AM or 12 PM Math class. This gives us the following possibilities:
4. Spanish: 11 AM, Music: 9 AM, Math: 10 AM
5. Spanish: 11 AM, Music: 9 AM, Math: 12 PM

So, the possible schedules that Tom can choose are:

1. Spanish: 9 AM, Music: 9 AM, Math: 10 AM
2. Spanish: 9 AM, Music: 9 AM, Math: 12 PM
3. Spanish: 10 AM, Music: 9 AM, Math: 12 PM
4. Spanish: 11 AM, Music: 9 AM, Math: 10 AM
5. Spanish: 11 AM, Music: 9 AM, Math: 12 PM

These are the five possible schedules that Tom can choose for next quarter.