Create an image showcasing the art of perspective in landscaping. Include two distinct elements to illustrate the foreground and the background. The foreground element should be larger, attracting the viewer's immediate attention, thereby appearing closer than the element in the background. The item in the background should be smaller to give a sense of distance between the two. Ensure that there are no texts within the image.

how does a landscape artists make an object in the foreground appear closer than an object in the background?

a~by making the object in the foreground larger in comparison the background objects.
b~by making the object in the foreground less detailed in comparison to background object.
c~by making the object in the foreground less colorful in comparison to background object.
d~by making the object in the foreground smaller in comparison to background object

I'll be your new Shia. Here are the 100% answers


That Girl has the correct answers.

That Girl is 100% 4/4 correct! Thank you!

That girl thx!!! :)

Yep! That Girl is 100% correct.

Shia Lebaouf is not here who are u peoplee talking to

For anyone wondering, the answers are still correct in 2021

Yep they 100%

1. by making the object in the foreground larger in comparison the background objects

2. people; Persians enjoy group gatherings and value relationships
3. humans lived in harmony with nature
4. classical; communicates a worldview and culture that values ideal beauty

Thx That Girl 100%