In a recent survey of middle school students about pizza toppings, it was found that 25 students like pepperoni pizza, 31 like banana peppers pizza, and 5 likes both pepperoni and banana peppers on their pizza. if 66 students were surveyed, how many students do not like banana peppers on their pizza.

A. 20
B. 34
C. 31
D. 35
I think its C but I'm not sure.
Can someone please explain how I can work this out.
I re posted this because I really need help.


66 - 31 = ?


25-5= 20

To solve this problem, you can use a basic set theory concept called the Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion.

1. Start by finding the total number of students who like pepperoni pizza, which is 25.
2. Next, find the total number of students who like banana peppers pizza, which is 31.
3. Since 5 students like both pepperoni and banana peppers, you need to subtract them once from the total counts of pepperoni and banana peppers.
Total = 25 + 31 - 5 = 51
4. The total number of students who were surveyed is given as 66.
Therefore, the number of students who do not like banana peppers pizza can be calculated by subtracting the students who like banana peppers from the total number of students surveyed.
Not like banana peppers = Total surveyed - Likes banana peppers
= 66 - 31
= 35

So, the correct answer is D. 35 students do not like banana peppers on their pizza.