how do you investigate polygons with 3;4;6;8 and 12 sides

To investigate polygons with 3, 4, 6, 8, and 12 sides, you can explore their properties such as angles, interior and exterior angles, symmetry, and regularity.

1. Identify the polygon: Start by classifying each shape based on the number of sides given. A polygon with 3 sides is a triangle, 4 sides is a quadrilateral, 6 sides is a hexagon, 8 sides is an octagon, and 12 sides is a dodecagon.

2. Determine the sum of interior angles: Use the formula (n-2) * 180 degrees, where 'n' represents the number of sides of the polygon. For example:
- Triangle (3 sides): (3-2) * 180 = 180 degrees
- Quadrilateral (4 sides): (4-2) * 180 = 360 degrees
- Hexagon (6 sides): (6-2) * 180 = 720 degrees
- Octagon (8 sides): (8-2) * 180 = 1080 degrees
- Dodecagon (12 sides): (12-2) * 180 = 1800 degrees

3. Determine the measure of each interior angle: Divide the sum of interior angles by the number of sides. For example:
- Triangle: 180 degrees / 3 = 60 degrees (each interior angle)
- Quadrilateral: 360 degrees / 4 = 90 degrees (each interior angle)
- Hexagon: 720 degrees / 6 = 120 degrees (each interior angle)
- Octagon: 1080 degrees / 8 = 135 degrees (each interior angle)
- Dodecagon: 1800 degrees / 12 = 150 degrees (each interior angle)

4. Explore regularity: Determine if the polygon is regular or irregular. A regular polygon has all sides of equal length and all angles of equal measure.
- Triangle: Regular (all sides and angles equal)
- Quadrilateral: Can be regular (if all sides and angles equal) or irregular (if not)
- Hexagon: Can be regular (if all sides and angles equal) or irregular (if not)
- Octagon: Can be regular (if all sides and angles equal) or irregular (if not)
- Dodecagon: Can be regular (if all sides and angles equal) or irregular (if not)

5. Investigate symmetry: Determine the number of lines of symmetry each polygon has. A line of symmetry is a line that divides the shape into two congruent halves.
- Triangle: 0 lines of symmetry
- Quadrilateral: Varies based on the specific shape (can have 0, 1, or 2 lines of symmetry)
- Hexagon: 6 lines of symmetry (passing through opposite vertices)
- Octagon: 8 lines of symmetry (passing through opposite vertices)
- Dodecagon: 12 lines of symmetry (passing through opposite vertices)

By following these steps, you can investigate and understand various properties of polygons with 3, 4, 6, 8, and 12 sides.