I know someone has posted this question before but didn't get an answer so sorry for the post.

The box-and-whisker plots show data for the test scores of four groups of students in the same class. Which plot represents data with the greatest range of scores?
A. The lowest value is numberd as 29, the lowest quartile is numbered as 40, the median is numbered as 55, the upper quartile is numbered as 62, the highest value is numbered as 94.

B. The lowest value is numbered as 43, the lower quartile is numbered as 50, the median is numbered as 49, the upper quartile is numbered as 90, the highest value is numbered as 97.

C. The lowest value is numbered at 39, the lower quartile is numbered as 59, the median is numbered as 70, the upper quartile is numbered as 85, the highest value is numbered as 99.

D. The lowest value is numbered as 42, the lower quartile 45, the median is numbered as 50, the upper quartile is numbered as 73, the highest value is numbered as 85.
Could the answer be A?
Thank you

c it is c

To determine which box-and-whisker plot represents data with the greatest range of scores, we need to consider the values of the lowest value and the highest value. The range of scores is calculated by subtracting the lowest value from the highest value.

Let's evaluate each option:
A. The range of scores is 94 - 29 = 65.
B. The range of scores is 97 - 43 = 54.
C. The range of scores is 99 - 39 = 60.
D. The range of scores is 85 - 42 = 43.

Therefore, the box-and-whisker plot with the greatest range of scores is option A. Your answer is correct.