the following question asks about one or more selections from your literature textbook. You may use your textbook to answer the question. Select one question to respond to. Option 1: Write a short essay in which you examine the figurative language in "Concrete Mixers" Explain what the concrete mixers are compared to, what the parts of the mixers are compared to, and what the drives of the mixers are compared to. Then, show how the comparisons are related. Use details from the poem in your response. Use the reading selection to help you answer the question.

don't be so rude i got on here for help and never got it so if you did help maybe i would be a better student

you go to connexus don't you.

yall are lameeeeeeeee

What don't you understand about this assignment?

You are extremely fast at responding. We thank you for you help :)

I do not understand that same question. Help please!!!

this didn't help me yall

To answer this question, you will need to analyze the poem "Concrete Mixers" and identify the figurative language used within it. Then, you will need to explain what the concrete mixers, their parts, and their drives are compared to, and finally, demonstrate how these comparisons are related. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this question:

1. Begin by reading the poem "Concrete Mixers" carefully, paying attention to any metaphors, similes, or other forms of figurative language used.

2. Identify the comparisons made in the poem. In this case, the question prompts you to focus on three specific comparisons: the concrete mixers themselves, the parts of the mixers, and the drives of the mixers.

3. Take note of what the concrete mixers are compared to. Are they compared to any objects, beings, or concepts that help convey a certain image or idea?

4. Identify the comparisons made for the parts of the mixers. What do these parts represent or symbolize? Do they enhance your understanding of the mixers or contribute to the overall meaning of the poem?

5. Finally, consider the drives of the mixers and what they are compared to. Do these comparisons offer any insights into the motivation, power, or essence of the mixers?

6. Once you have identified and understood the comparisons, examine how they are related. How do these comparisons intertwine to create a coherent message or theme within the poem "Concrete Mixers"?

7. To write your essay, organize your analysis by discussing each comparison individually and providing evidence from the poem to support your interpretations. Be sure to include specific details and quotes that highlight the figurative language used.

By following these steps, you will be able to thoroughly analyze the figurative language in "Concrete Mixers" and provide a well-supported response to the question. Remember to refer back to the poem itself and use quotes to support your claims.

!it's not hard here is my answer to all three pffffft you thought I was gonna give you my answer