differece between lizard and snakes

Lizards have legs.



To understand the difference between lizards and snakes, let's break down their key characteristics:

1. Body Structure:
- Lizards have limbs, typically four legs, although some species have reduced or no limbs.
- Snakes, on the other hand, do not have limbs. Their bodies are elongated with a streamlined shape.

2. Locomotion:
- Lizards walk or run by using their limbs, which allows them to move in various ways such as crawling, climbing, and occasionally even swimming.
- Snakes use a unique mode of locomotion called serpentine, where they move by contracting and extending their muscular body, which allows them to slither and crawl.

3. Tail:
- Most lizard species have a prominent tail that is easily distinguishable from the rest of their body. This tail may serve different purposes, such as defense, balance, or storing nutrients.
- Snakes also possess a tail, but it is more difficult to differentiate from the rest of their body due to their elongated shape.

4. Eyelids:
- Lizards have movable eyelids, allowing them to blink or close their eyes.
- Snakes lack movable eyelids. Instead, they have a transparent protective scale called a "brille" that covers their eyes. Snakes shed this scale periodically.

5. Ears:
- Lizards generally have visible ear openings on the sides of their head.
- Snakes lack external ear openings and cannot hear airborne sounds. They can perceive vibrations through their lower jaw bones instead.

6. Jaw Structure:
- Lizards have a lower jaw connected by a hinge joint, enabling them to chew and consume a wider range of food items.
- Snakes possess an extremely flexible skull, allowing them to swallow prey whole. Their jaws are connected by stretchy ligaments, and they can dislocate their jaws to accommodate larger prey.

It's important to note that these characteristics may vary among different lizard and snake species, so some exceptions to these general features could exist. Observing and comparing these traits will help in differentiating between lizards and snakes.