What was henri Becquerel studying when he accidetally discoverd radioactivity?

A. Photography
B. Properties of black light.
C. Porperties of X-rays.
D. Solar energy.
I believe the answer is C.
Thank you


Thank you.

You are welcome.

You are correct! Henri Becquerel accidentally discovered radioactivity while studying the properties of X-rays. Here's how you can arrive at the answer:

To answer this question, you would need to know what field of study Henri Becquerel was involved in when he made his discovery. One way to find this information is by doing a search using appropriate keywords like "Henri Becquerel discovery" or "Henri Becquerel research."

Upon searching, you will find out that Henri Becquerel was a French physicist and Nobel laureate. He was studying the properties of X-rays when he stumbled upon the phenomenon of radioactivity in 1896. His accidental discovery occurred when he left some photographic plates in a drawer next to a sample of uranium, which emitted radiation that fogged the plates.

Considering this information, option C, "Properties of X-rays," is the correct answer.