You read 7 pages in 3 minutes How many pages can you read for 6 hours

how would you put this in a numeric response

3/7 = 360/x

Cross multiply and solve for x.

Not sure where you got 360 from?

To determine the number of pages you can read in 6 hours given that you read 7 pages in 3 minutes, you need to find the number of 3-minute intervals in 6 hours.

First, convert 6 hours to minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, multiply 6 by 60, which gives you 360 minutes.

Next, divide the total minutes (360) by the time it takes to read 7 pages (3 minutes). This will give you the number of intervals.

360 / 3 = 120

Therefore, you can read 120 intervals of 7 pages in 6 hours.

To find the total number of pages, multiply the number of intervals by the number of pages read in each interval:

120 intervals * 7 pages = 840 pages.

So, you can read 840 pages in 6 hours.