I need help checking my answer. I wasn't sure if 8 and 8 were both side lenegth's or if 22 is the slant height but I think it is got kind of confused there also wasn't sure how I was suppose to solve it but I sloved the problem how I though it was suppose to be sloved I have to different ways with two different answers.

find the lateral area of a square pyramid. with the two side lenegth's as 8 and 8 and the slant height as 22.

my answer 1. 8x4 = 32

32x22 = 704

704÷2 = 352

my answer 2. 8x8 = 64

64x22 = 1408

1408÷2 = 704

Im not rlly sure which 1 is right.

plz help me

Drop an altitude from the vertex to the center of the base. Now draw a line from there to the center of a side of the base. Seen from the side, you now have a right triangle with legs 4 and 22. The hypotenuse is the slant height of the pyramid, and thus the altitude of one of the triangular faces.

the slant height is √(4^2+22^2) = √500 = 10√5

So, the lateral area is 4 triangles with base 8 and height 10√5

4*(8*10√5)/2 = 160√5

The area of the pyramid is not 1/2 Bh. The area of each face is 1/2 bh, as calculated above.


both of ur answers r wrong I belive u would do 1/3*22*8=?. the forulma is v=1/3 area base * height. u would also times the other 8 in with it or else the answer would come out wrong. its basically kind of like and I guess like finding the volume for a pyramid is just lying down. let me know wat ur final answer is when u do this.

make sure u round it as well

my final answer is 469.3


thx man :D

np glade to help :)

so, who asked anything about the volume?