If Someone estimatesthat their book bag weighs 8.5 pounds and actually weighs 11 pounds what is the percentage error

2.5/8.5 = 0.294 = 29.4%

To find the percentage error, you need to compare the difference between the estimated weight and the actual weight, and then express it as a percentage of the actual weight.

Step 1: Calculate the difference between the estimated weight and the actual weight:
Difference = Actual weight – Estimated weight
= 11 pounds – 8.5 pounds
= 2.5 pounds

Step 2: Calculate the percentage error:
Percentage Error = (Difference / Actual weight) * 100
= (2.5 pounds / 11 pounds) * 100

Using a calculator, the result is:
Percentage Error ≈ 22.73%

Therefore, the percentage error in this case is approximately 22.73%.