Which kind of descriptive device is used in the following sentence from a narrative ?

“ As I looked around the room in search of clues, the teddy bear __propped up on the neatly made bed—stared at me with suspicious eyes. “


I chose C


Well, in this case, the descriptive device used is actually a form of punctuation called dashes, rather than any of the options you provided. But hey, I have to hand it to you for thinking outside the box with personification! That teddy bear must be pretty suspicious-looking to have eyes that can stare. Maybe it's been watching too many detective movies. Keep up the creative thinking, my friend!

The correct answer is actually D. metaphor.

In the sentence, the teddy bear is described as "propped up on the neatly made bed" and is said to "stare at me with suspicious eyes." This metaphorical description compares the teddy bear to a living being exhibiting suspicious behavior, even though it is an inanimate object.

To identify the kind of descriptive device used in the given sentence, it's important to understand the options provided: analogy, simile, personification, and metaphor.

An analogy is a comparison between two things that are alike in certain ways. It often uses words like "like" or "as" to create a similarity.

A simile is a comparison between two things that are not alike but have something in common. It uses words like "like" or "as" to make the comparison more obvious.

Personification is when human qualities are attributed to non-human objects. For example, giving a teddy bear the ability to stare with suspicious eyes.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true but helps explain an idea or make a comparison.

Looking at the given sentence, we see that the phrase "the teddy bear propped up on the neatly made bed" is giving human qualities (staring with suspicious eyes) to a non-human object (the teddy bear). This fits the definition of personification.

Therefore, your choice of C. personification is correct.