We did not find any results for 'An automobile gasoline tank holds 23.0 gal when full. How manypounds of gasoline willit hold if the gasoline has a density of 0.737 g/ml?

I found a conversion factor to convert 0.737 g/mL to pounds/gallon.

0.737 g/cc = 6.15 pounds/gallon.
So 23 gallons x 6.15 pounds/gallon = ?

To find the weight of gasoline, we need to use the formula:

Weight = Volume × Density

Given that the gasoline tank holds 23.0 gallons and the density of gasoline is 0.737 g/ml, we need to convert gallons to milliliters and grams to pounds.

1 gallon = 3.78541 liters
1 liter = 1000 milliliters
1 gram = 0.00220462 pounds

So, first, let's convert gallons to milliliters:

23.0 gallons × 3.78541 liters/gallon × 1000 milliliters/liter = 87,404.432 milliliters (approx.)

Now, calculate the weight of gasoline:

Weight = 87,404.432 milliliters × 0.737 g/ml = 64,392.240384 grams (approx.)

Finally, convert grams to pounds:

64,392.240384 grams × 0.00220462 pounds/gram = 142.0453777828 pounds (approx.)

Therefore, the gasoline tank will hold approximately 142.05 pounds of gasoline.

To find the number of pounds of gasoline an automobile gasoline tank will hold, we need to consider the following steps:

Step 1: Determine the volume of gasoline the tank can hold
Given that the automobile gasoline tank holds 23.0 gallons, we can directly use this value in our calculation.

Step 2: Convert the volume from gallons to milliliters
Since the density is given in grams per milliliter, we need to convert the volume from gallons to milliliters. Note that 1 gallon is equal to approximately 3.78541 liters, and 1 liter is equal to 1000 milliliters.

23.0 gallons * 3.78541 liters/gallon * 1000 milliliters/liter = X milliliters

Step 3: Calculate the mass of the gasoline
To find the mass of the gasoline, we need to use the density of 0.737 g/ml, which means that for every milliliter of gasoline, it weighs 0.737 grams.

X milliliters * 0.737 grams/ml = Y grams

Step 4: Convert the mass from grams to pounds
To express the mass in pounds, we need to convert from grams to pounds. Note that 1 pound is equal to approximately 453.592 grams.

Y grams * 1 pound / 453.592 grams = Z pounds

After following these steps, we will have determined the number of pounds of gasoline the automobile gasoline tank can hold.

Please note that the above explanation provides a general method to solve the problem. Alternatively, one could use an online converter or a specific unit conversion formula to achieve the same result.