Bill has 180 coins. Of these coins, 1/12 are dimes. About how many dimes does he have?

I think I have to divide . 180 divided by 1/12 equals 15 dimes that he has. Is this correct?

Your answer is correct. Your process is wrong.

180 * (1/12)

To calculate the number of dimes Bill has, you are correct in identifying that we need to divide the total number of coins (180) by the fraction representing the proportion of dimes in the total.

To divide by a fraction, we typically invert the fraction and multiply. Here's how you can calculate the number of dimes Bill has:

1. Convert 1/12 to its decimal form by dividing 1 by 12: 1 ÷ 12 = 0.0833 (rounded to four decimal places).

2. Divide the total number of coins (180) by the decimal equivalent of the fraction:
180 ÷ 0.0833 ≈ 2160.

You made a slight mistake in your calculation. The correct answer is that Bill has approximately 2,160 dimes, not 15.