1.When creating a writing plan,which of the following should come first?

*A.Material that will capture the reader's interest
B.The first section of the body of the essay
C.A brief summary of the conclusion

2.Which two things must be accomplished by the introduction if the author's using safe order?
A.Begin the main body paragraphs and delve into your story
B.Present the topic and use parallel structure
C.Establish your point of view and plan the ending
*D.Hook the reader and present the general idea or definition of your subject

3.which of the following study topics would be use in MLA formatting?
A . Sociology

4.Which of the following options show parallel construction?
A."To determine rich,"Getting lazy,"and being happy"
B."Being happy,"Being sad,"and being depressed"
*C."Telling a story,"Being informed,"The end"
D.Face the music,"Dancing in the rain,"and "Show your stuff"

Your text will tell you about 1.

2 is correct.

3 is correct.

4 is incorrect.

The first three are right. The fourth is wrong.


Number 4 is B."Being happy,"Being sad,"and being depressed".

1. When creating a writing plan, the first thing that should come is usually A. Material that will capture the reader's interest. This is because it is important to grab the reader's attention from the very beginning to make them interested in reading further.

To incorporate this into your writing plan, you can brainstorm ideas for an attention-grabbing introduction. This could include an intriguing fact or statistic, a compelling anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or any other technique that will capture the reader's interest.

2. If the author is using safe order, the two things that must be accomplished by the introduction are D. Hook the reader and present the general idea or definition of your subject. The introduction should engage the reader by presenting something interesting or captivating, while also providing a clear understanding of the topic or subject being discussed.

To achieve this in your introduction, you can start with a hook that grabs the reader's attention and then provide a brief overview or definition of the subject matter. This will set the stage for the rest of your essay and allow the reader to understand what they can expect from your writing.

3. The study topic that would be used in MLA formatting is C. Literature. MLA (Modern Language Association) formatting is commonly used in humanities and liberal arts disciplines, including literature. When citing sources and formatting your paper, you would follow the specific guidelines outlined by the MLA style.

When conducting research or writing in the field of literature, it is important to properly format your citations, references, and the overall structure of your paper according to the MLA guidelines. This includes properly citing quotes, paraphrases, and references, as well as following the formatting rules for headings, margins, fonts, and other elements.

4. The option that shows parallel construction is C. "Telling a story," "Being informed," "The end". Parallel construction involves using the same grammatical structure or pattern in a series of words, phrases, or clauses.

In this example, each phrase begins with a gerund ("Telling," "Being," "The end"), followed by an object or complement. This consistent structure creates parallelism and helps maintain balance and clarity in the sentence.

When incorporating parallel construction in your writing, ensure that the elements in your series are grammatically and structurally consistent, making it easier for readers to understand and follow your ideas.