"Deontology" comes from the Greek work deon, meaning

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"Deontology" comes from the Greek word "deon," meaning "duty" or "obligation." In philosophy, deontology is a theory that focuses on the moral duties and obligations individuals have. It emphasizes that actions should be judged based on whether they adhere to certain moral rules or principles, rather than focusing on the consequences of those actions.

If you were curious about the meaning of "deontology" and wanted to find out its etymology, you could try different approaches to get the answer:

1. Online search engines: You can simply search for "deontology etymology" or "deontology meaning" on a search engine like Google. This will likely lead you to various sources that discuss the origins and meaning of the term.

2. Online dictionaries: Websites like Merriam-Webster, Oxford English Dictionary, or even Wikipedia provide detailed definitions of words, including their etymology. You can search for "deontology" in these dictionaries to find its origin and associated meanings.

3. Philosophy resources: Philosophy-specific websites or textbooks can often provide comprehensive explanations of philosophical terms. You may search for "deontology in philosophy" or consult introductory philosophy textbooks to explore the concept further.

By utilizing these resources, you can gain a better understanding of the term "deontology" and its roots in the Greek word "deon."