Which of the following examples best demonstrates to most people that ethical progress has taken place over the past 200 years? (Points : 1)

Laws that prohibit discrimination based on race
Laws that have increased speed limits
Laws that prevented women from voting
Laws that prevented people from getting married
Laws that focus on protecting the ethnic majority

Laws that prohibit discrimination based on race

To determine which of the following examples best demonstrates ethical progress over the past 200 years, it's important to understand the concept of ethics and analyze each option in relation to ethical principles.

Ethics refers to a set of moral principles that guide human behavior and decision-making based on notions of right and wrong. Ethical progress implies that society has evolved and made improvements in its ethical standards and practices over time.

Let's evaluate each option based on their ethical implications:

1. Laws that prohibit discrimination based on race: This example aligns with the idea of ethical progress because it demonstrates a shift towards equality and fairness. It indicates that society recognizes the importance of treating individuals equally regardless of their race or ethnicity. This demonstrates an improvement in ethical standards.

2. Laws that have increased speed limits: This option doesn't necessarily pertain to ethical progress. Speed limits are primarily set for safety reasons and to control traffic, rather than reflecting moral values or ethical advancements.

3. Laws that prevented women from voting: This example highlights a historical injustice where women were denied their basic rights. From an ethical standpoint, the progression towards allowing women to vote can be seen as a significant advancement in recognizing gender equality and respecting individuals' right to participate in democratic processes.

4. Laws that prevented people from getting married: This example represents a disregard for the principles of equality and fairness. Recognizing same-sex marriage is considered an ethical progress as it acknowledges the equal rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.

5. Laws that focus on protecting the ethnic majority: This option suggests an emphasis on protecting a specific ethnic group, potentially at the expense of other minorities. Ethically, such laws may raise questions about fairness, inclusion, and equal treatment for all individuals within a society.

Based on this analysis, the example that best demonstrates ethical progress over the past 200 years is the first option: laws that prohibit discrimination based on race. This reflects a shift towards equality and fairness, acknowledging the inherent value and rights of all individuals, regardless of their racial or ethnic background.